Collaborate with me!

This history is your history, help me get it out there for people to remember and reflect on by leaving your comments and memories of spaces, people and events here. If you want to use a made-up name, feel free, so long as the memory isn't!

(That said, if you can't remember everything, that's fine. No one's memory is perfect, and hopefully someone else will fill in the blanks.)

Friday, October 1, 2010


Okay, here's the deal. the first person that can tell me what event in the 70's that this picture is referencing in 100 words or more, and you get a 20 buck gift certificate to the queer bookstore of your choice.

Game on! Huzzah!

(note: anyone in Carleton's History graduate program, or even tangentially associated with my partner ain't winning shit -you know who you are, and I know who you are...)


  1. Where did you find this? It is fabulous!

    ps. I know a few lesbians you can talk to about the online dating, plentyoffish thang!


  2. I am so happy you have this picture on here. I had it at one point but lost some of my files. If I remember right, which I probably don't, it's in protest to discrimination by the management of the bar in the basement of Lord Elgin. I don't remember if there was any other external event it's related to though.

  3. We have a winner! That is exactly what it was. The LE banned two guys for hugging in public.

  4. Hurray! Well, I didn't get it right on, and in less than 100 words. But, if the gift certificate is still on the table, in lieu of me getting it, maybe donate a book to the Carleton Library or the Kelly McGinnis Library?

  5. Done. I'll see what the K.M. Library needs.

  6. It's Charlie Hill and someone else...
