Collaborate with me!

This history is your history, help me get it out there for people to remember and reflect on by leaving your comments and memories of spaces, people and events here. If you want to use a made-up name, feel free, so long as the memory isn't!

(That said, if you can't remember everything, that's fine. No one's memory is perfect, and hopefully someone else will fill in the blanks.)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reflecting 25 Years of Pride: the exhibit.

So, for anyone who didn't know -which would be the majority of you- Ottawa pride celebrated its 25th anniversary this year, by having two window displays during pride week and an exhibit in city hall on the day of the parade. I was lucky enough to finagle a table at the last minute next to the exhibit; pride said they were happy to have me there, since no one really knew what they were doing. This comment kinda surprised me, because if you couldn't find someone who didn't know how to put an exhibit together in this town, it suggested to me that Pride didn't really try too hard to put this together.

Unfortunately, my suspicions were confirmed when I saw the exhibit: they tried, but not too hard. The result? Not many more people know more about their history now than they did before pride week. I have plenty of evidence to back up that previous statement after Sunday, when I saw equal amounts of senior and baby-queers walk by the exhibit (and me) without slowing their pace. That was a shame, because Ottawa's queer community has a lot to be proud of in what it has achieved over the decades.
Now, the blame should not totally be hoisted on pride's shoulders. I am glad they did something, anything, to show the gay community its own history, a history that generally is under-appreciated, by young an old alike.That said, the displays could have been so much more; if they had perhaps more people would've stopped and the generosity of the folks who provided material would not have gone mostly unnoticed.

While I am really grateful pride even bothered, the exhibit was not very effective in conveying the evolution of Pride, which is a drag since exhibits like these represent one of the few opportunities Queers get to learn about their history, especially their local history. While I am loathe to whine and moan about the work of a bunch of volunteers, I feel a critique is necessary, considering that next year is the 40th anniversary of the first gay rights protest in Canada (known as 'We Demand'). I have heard that Pride wants to do another exhibit to commemorate that date, but I believe it needs someone skilled to do a better job.

First off, before I (humbly) present my critiques, I want to say I am not a public historian; I don't know how to make one historical exhibit more attractive, engaging and informative for a non-academic audience than another. However, to paraphrase Monty Python, I know what doesn't work, and the display in After Stonewall Books didn't:

First off, my friend Maureen pointed this out to me after she waited for a bus in from of the bookstore (the one advantage to this exhibit was that it had a constant audience of people waiting at the stop): putting old newspapers in the sun for a better part of the week is a bad thing. There is a reasons all those horrible, brutalist libraries that sprouted up in the 60's and 70's have small windows, and it is not just because of some anti-human aesthetic (although that is a part of it): the sun destroys newspapers! Maybe because they are only 25-ish years old that no one thought of it, but if you have been around archivists long enough, you learn that it does not take too much to make newsprint really brittle and delicate, and a week in the sun does plenty. Once these are gone, they are gone, 25 years young or not.
At least the were not in direct sun, since the window had posters for other pride events in it, effectively covering the papers and photos. Why have a exhibit if it is blocked by other posters?

Although I am mentioning this here, this is a complaint for all the exhibits: few if any of them had any tags explaining what the artifacts were, or how did they relate to pride. Frankly, a lot of them didn't: they were just GO INFO's from the 80's thrown down on the floor along with some pictures of people I had no clue they were. Were they pride organizers? Activists? Both? Neither? Or were they included on the merits of their awesome haircuts?

The display at the Second Cup on Bank/Somerset was better, partly because the documents were in from the sun, but also because they attempted to explain what the photos up on the wall were about. However, there was no overall narrative to them, just a general theme of overcoming obstacles and protests to having pride.

More pragmatically were the issues of setup and access. These panels (examples are pictured left) were on the walls around the shop and above the tables. If you wanted to take a good look at them, you were often wandering up to a table and placing your crotch in the personal space of anyone seated there. While I am a great fan of faces meeting crotches generally, having them meet in this situation was not a great situation for either party. If there were two people at a table you would basically have to interrupt their conversation to look at the exhibit. So, keeping a respectful distance from the patrons meant also keeping the exhibit at a distance too.

The Sunday exhibit at town hall allowed people to get up close with the material on display, finally. The material at After Stonewall and at Second Cup weren't transferred to city hall on Sunday, and I am of two minds about that: It was good, because the diffusion of materials meant more people could see it, but the strongest of the displays -the Second Cup panels- were not at pride for an audience that I suspect would have found them really engaging, as I had.

The picture above shows how the place was set up after I rearranged it. Changing things around was not a problem: When I came in at 3pm, the time I was told to, pride was already in full swing and while there was a table there for me already, the whole day I did not see one pride official. I know they were busy, but really, anyone could have come over and either taken over the exhibit space, or simply taken whatever they wanted from the displays. I couldn't even find someone with duct tape to fix the banner that had fallen down (see pic).

Needless to say the exhibit was kinda a jumble and needed some help ASAP; It was set waaaay back against the windows, far from where most people were walking. I moved it forward by about 20 meters. all the tripods were clustered at one end of the exhibit behind a table. I spaced them out between tables so the exhibits had a more balanced feel and people could get up close to the tripods. The materials on the tables I didn't do anything with , what could I? The materials -pictures, pamphlets, newspapers and posters mostly- were assembled in a collage; lots and lots of stuff overlapping each other, making it impossible to read any documents of look at any picture with out part of it being obscured. The materiel was not even thematically assembled, it would have made sense to have the material on each table cover either a particular era, or a theme/event important to the community. But there was nothing like that, just a lot of gay stuff on a table covered with a plastic tarp to protect it, but also reflected light all over the place, making it difficult to look at some parts of the 'collages'.

While I was disappointed at the turnout for the display and the general disinterest showed by passer-bys (I suppose they were in a rush to go see the performances, or get to the beer tent), I can't say there was a lot to lure them in. I regret I was not thinking about pride until a week before the event. Had I, I would have offered my humble skills to the project, and wrangled a few hundred dollars and some AV equipment out of them, to make some narrative storyboards, and get some news footage out of the local archives to show.

Next year, I will to not just sit here and gripe, but will get involved. Promise.

Remove Formatting from selection

Friday, August 27, 2010

Mastering technology.

Well, After a couple of tries, I have finally figured out how to use my new camcorder. Turns out that Cannon doesn't provide software to transfer its recording format to regular video for Macs. Grrr. Sixty bucks later, I installed software and have been able to convert this, my first interview, to a viewable format.

Other parts of the learning curve:
-Blogger allows only for 100 mb of video at a time but doesn't tell you that.
-imovie is pretty simple to get going with, but I think is going to be a pain to master.
-I think I need to take off my glasses when focusing my camera

I thought I would post this one as an example of what the interviews will be like, and also I am hoping to get a discussion going about John's comments (if there is anyone reading this). Do you agree with John's description of Ottawa and why it is so closeted? What would you add?

I think I will add segments of videos from time to time and if there are comments I would like some community feedback on. Please note however, it will only be from people that agree to have their videos released to the public: all confidentiality agreements will be strictly observed.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

If you see someone staring at this poster:

Tell them I am friendly, trustworthy, generally awesome, and yes, should help a homo out and contact him. If you see anyone tearing down a poster, or otherwise messing with it, kick them, and then let me know. Thanks. Anyone have any suggestions where I should put these, that aren't the obvious bars/coffee shops/stores?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Grand plans...

So, I thought I'd outline to everybody who will (hopefully, eventually) read this blog what I am hoping to use this for, and what I'd like to add to the site:

-I'd like people who don't necessary want to be interviewed, but want to add their memories of Ottawa's queer community to feel free to write me here or add to posts via the comments section.

-As I write sections of my paper, I am hoping to put them up here for people to look at and comment on/critique/ suggest/ spell-check. Of course, final say will be left to me (it is my thesis after all), or perhaps my supervisor, but I think it would add something special to my writing, something I wouldn't get if it was just a process that included me and two or three other people editing my research.
I am thinking of it sorta like open-source programming, but for academics, and without an iphone app being the end result. Or maybe...?

-I'd love to see people talk about places/spaces and events among one another, and see what sort of collective memory can be shaped by folks without me intervening too much in the discussion, if at all. It is a community history I want to construct, so why not have the community involved as much as possible?

-I want to find a way to have a place on here where people can post photos, if they feel like doing so. I know over this fall I am going to bike around Ottawa and take photos of old spots -at least exteriors- and post them up here to see if they get anyone's memories going. I think the best way to trigger memories about a place and to quickly understand it is to see it (yeah yeah, a picture says a thousands words and all that), and having a photo archive of submissions would be fun to use in any presentations and/or exhibits. Any suggestions how I should organize that?

-Finally, I want to have an interactive map, where people can place the spaces/places/events that they thought were important, even if only to them and what sort of space it was. Hopefully with each entry participants can give a time frame for the space (was it in the 70's? 50's? five months in 1999?) and people can comment and add to each individual entry. Ideally, I'd like the map to track the changes in the geography of the community, and also how each person's personal geography reflected their place in the community and in Ottawa as a whole.

Ambitious? Yeah, but there you have it, and my philosophy is that any little bit will help. Now that this has been all written, I think it is time to go public...

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well, I put a face pic up here and the bio I used for the Lambda Foundation award I won. Funny, it says I've been on Blogger since 2008, although this blog isn't even 48 hours old yet. Queer, very queer...

Friday, August 20, 2010

A fast start.

Hello everyone,

Okay, full disclosure: I just signed up for this the day before Ottawa Pride week starts, as part of my multi-pronged strategy to get people to talk and write to me about their memories of Ottawa's queer community (the impetus to get this started is over the next week I am going to be putting up posters and handing out cards, and I need a place for anyone interested to contact me and to read up on my project). Why? I am doing a history of the GLBT community for my master thesis in history at Carleton University. I want this site to be a place where people can contact me, or engage in discussions with me and others about places and people they remember from their time in Ottawa's GLBT community.

I am going to make this brief and post parts of my official letter of information that I had to do for Carleton's Ethics panel to get clearance to do oral interviews for the paper. Hopefully these exerts will give everyone a good idea of what my project and I am all about.

Over the next few weeks I am going to figure out how all this blogging stuff works... patience please.

Thanks for reading.


Re History Project: A Queer Capital: A History of Ottawa’s GLBT community

My name is Grant Burke. I am a Masters student in the department of history at Carleton University. I am being supervised by Dr. Patrizia Gentile, associate professor at Carleton university’s Pauline Jewett Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies/Department of History and recent co-author of The Canadian War on Queers. I am conducting interviews with older and/or long-term residents of Ottawa and members of its gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community (for now on to be referred to as GLBT) so to write a history of it.

The purpose of this project is to describe the uniqueness of Ottawa’s GLBT community in comparison to larger cities with established villages, and how it’s history of using certain types of spaces and scattering those spaces across the region both reflected and helped to shape Ottawa’s unique gay culture. The study will also look at how Ottawa as a capital city has played a role in how GLBT people have interacted with each other and with the city as a whole.

The history of Ottawa’s GLBT has never been written, thus collecting the ‘stories’ of GLBT members is a central feature of writing this history. Your participation and willingness to be interviewed is voluntary. It will involve a conversation from 2-3 hours maximum. The language of the interview can be either French or English. Please be advised that you may be asked to participate in a follow up interview. If this is the case, I will ask you to re-read this letter of information and sign another consent form. All participants have the right to refuse a follow-up interview. All consent forms will be stored in a safety deposit box.

You may decline to answer any of the interview questions if you so wish. Further, you may decide to withdraw from this study at any time. I will ensure that all information acquired will be destroyed once you withdraw. You also have the option of choosing whether you agree to be recorded during the interview. If you choose not to be recorded, I will take notes for future use.

In order to minimize any possible social risks to participants, and to ensure any expressed desire for confidentiality and anonymity, I will use pseudonyms in both the labeling of your interview and in any research or conference papers produced based on your interview. All electronic files that contain personal information acquired during the interview will be password protected, and will be on a separate hard drive other than my computer. In the event that a researcher other than me transcribes or translates your interview, this person will be obligated to sign a confidentiality agreement indicating that any information learned during the transcription will be held in total and complete confidentiality.

Once my project is done, I would like to store these interviews at the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives in Toronto as a source for future researchers to use. If you do not wish your interview to be part of a permanent collection of records, you can choose to not have your interview archived. It will be destroyed upon the completion of my degree.

Please note that this study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance by the Carleton University Research Ethics Committee. If you have any questions about this letter, the research project, or if you wish to withdraw from the study, please do not hesitate to contact me at:

Grant Burke

Department of History

Carleton University